Communications, Digital Oilfield, Industrial Internet of Things, Industrial Process Monitoring, Internet of Things, Oil And Gas Monitoring, Remote Monitoring, SCADA

Setting up Microhard Modems to Allow Polling of Internal Data Such as Voltage, Signal Strength, Etc

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For many IIoT applications, clients expect remote monitoring systems to combine data from various sources to provide a complete picture of the remote assets. One of the biggest challenges of remote IIoT is monitoring, trending, and alerting power levels for remote off-grid locations.


Some modem hardware is capable of providing some important features that can be used for IIoT applications. Microhard is a hardware favorite of SCADACore because they offer rugged devices that work in cold temperatures, easy to set up, and dependable.


The modems also allow users to poll additional points like Single Strength, Voltage, or Core Temperature that can combined with data from remote assets to paint a clear picture of the remote location.


To add the ability to poll additional data points click on Advanced à Modbus

Enable Modbus Slave Status:

Under “Modbus TCP Enable”, choose “Enable Modbus TCP Mode”

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That is all that is required, you can now poll data with the IP address and using Port 502 (or any port you set).


Click on View Data Map to see all the Registers available:

The registers require Holding Registers (Function Code 3).

Note that the Voltage needs to be divided by 100 to get a correct decimal value

If GPS is available data can also be polled via Modbus as well as on alternative to receiving scheduled data in NMEA format.

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The implementation of SCADA / IIoT is challenging, and features that is required of modern IIoT systems require a comprehensive library of software systems that work in conjunction to provide such rich functionality.

In fact, the a primary reason why many product manufacturers come to SCADACore to host their remote monitoring solution is due to the reason stated above. Hardware manufacturers typically want to focus on hardware, and do not have in-house expertise to develop complex remote monitoring systems such as the ones that clients typically expects from a fully-featured remote monitoring system.
